Monday, November 15, 2010

When Seeds Become Plants

It usually starts with a dream or a day dream, or an absolutely directly inspired thought. My journey began tripping over a book that would forever shift my entire life.

I had never been one for self-help books, but when I was looking for work/money and kicked Secrets of the Millionaire Mind across the floor of my dad's apartment something inside of me lit up. (Ya, that's right Harv, I kicked your As I ate up every word I vividly remember repeating the phrase, "This makes SO much sense!" over and over and over. And then I finished it and read it again.

The first course I went to, with MAJOR resistance, was dry wood on that fire inside (and it wasn't the typical entry course). I knew that I knew that I knew I would in some way, shape or form work with this company. And so the seed was planted. I never even thought I was good enough to work for the company, but I trusted that feeling and thought from deep within and as I progressed through program after program, then volunteering for course after camp (YAY CAMP!) that feeling that I knew that I knew that I knew began to creep back up. Even when I was sure that I was sure that I was sure that I was done with attending and volunteering, that part that knew that I knew kept coming back firm and always with love.

Now that seed that was planted two years ago has finally began to sprout! It's budding and I'm being shown patience at its best and focus at its finest. I know that I know that I know I am in EXACTLY the right position within this company because it is exactly taking form of the seed I planted and have been watering, wondering when it would sprout.

To top it off it's perfectly in line with my mission of empowering people to remember and live thier truth. I have yet to discover any company that fast tracks people into authenticity of being as the one I work for now. And it's two fold. Not only do I get to help the company grow and expand, but I also get to do the work I want to do so I can grow! I get to manage people, and empower them and create community and love and put people into transformational programs so they can shift the world.

I'm asking you to check out the Millionaire Mind Intensive. I've asked some of you to check it out before and I'm asking you to check it out again. Both you and the program have changed. You are no longer the same person I spoke to the last time. You've grown, you've shifted, you've opened up to new and exciting ideas. The program has evolved. Being a millionaire today doesn't have the same energy it did one or two years ago. In today's economy, nothing around money does, except that we still need it! Financial Freedom on the other hand; THAT is a practical and sought after personal situation that is easily achievable when given the right tools.

The new program features two days of reviewing and revamping that financial blueprint you are currently living in and the third day is all about focusing on your financial freedom and whatever that looks like to you!

Apparently this program isn't for everyone. Apparently there are people out there who are so happy with their current financial situation they'd prefer to sit at home while the rest of us learn about ways to maximize what we have so we can minimize our dependency on it which in turn maximizes our ability to actually live life fully.

This program for me has been about liberating myself from my own bad habits and conditioning so I can build a foundation with practical, not trendy, practical tools so I can live the life I want to live.

If it's for you...awesome I'll see you there. If it's not for you, that's awesome too. All I ask is that you ask yourself if you are truly, deep down, fulfilled, not just happy, but fulfilled with the life you are living; or do you find yourself wondering, 'There's gotta be something more...'

Millionaire Mind and Financial Freedom Intensive

Are your seeds sprouting?

~If you have any questions drop me a line.

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