So as I was walking home from the bus this afternoon, this little chickadee flies out in front of me on the side walk. I slowed my pace a bit because I knew it was something for me to learn. It hopped along for about five hops and then it flew...a little to the left, off the path, and then back onto the sidewalk for a few more hops, then flew. This repeated for a good 50 mertres until a bike drove by.
As I caught onto the pattern it was showing me a thought came to me. 'Take some steps and then take a leap, take some steps, and take a leap and fly.' And this made total sense for my life at this moment. I've been taking steps and then something comes up that requires me to leap into the unknown. I land there, take some more steps in the direction I'm headed and then take another leap.
When I understood this, I understood the timing of the Universe and my part-time job at the restaurant. I had taken the steps and now it was time to take the leap into the unknown, which for me was to walk away from that job in a respectful manner with my connections still in tact, understanding that something more in alignment with who I am is on the horizon.
As I write that, I'm reminded that yesterday I put out on my FaceBook status that I was stretching myself. I'm opening to more expressions of my intuitive abilities, which is a giant leap for me only because it is taking on some sort of structure in my life and it feels liek it could be home for a while. Until the next leap arrives.
I was reminded today that everything in spirit, more likely than not, comes to us as symbols. Birds...there are messages coming. (Well they can mean anything they want really, but typically it is messages) The bigger the bird the bigger the message. The more birds there are, the more messages there are! This explains EVERYTHING that has been going on for me lately! I am so greatful I am listening!
What is showing up for you lately?
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