Friday, November 12, 2010

Surely to God...or is it Shirley to God?

After Mary nearly coughed up a lung (which has been waiting to be dislodged for nearly a month), I said to her, "You're spending two days in a healing environment surely to God someone can help you out!" To which she replied, "SURELY TO GOD". And a thought hit me, 'Where on earth did that saying come from.' Perhaps it was a Shirley talking to God!

Like a transmission over a radio....'Shirley to God...are you there?' Really, it's not so far fetched...and then again it is quite out there. But since saying that I'm not unconvinced that it's such a wacky idea to implement. 'Kelly to God...are you there?' If Elizabeth Gilbert can write a best selling novel turned movie that has those exact lines in it, there must be something to it!

I anticipated that this post might be funny and light hearted, and here I go again delving into the depth of an apparently superficial comment that SO many people make on a daily basis. Surely to God is right! And really, what on earth does that mean? I know it implies that surely, by God, it must be possible, available, doable... but I'm liking my new interpretations. If Shirley's gonna communicate with God, then surely to God I will too! :)

I mean...I communicate with God all the time anyways. We're pretty tight. Without going into crazy detail and my spiritual beliefs, which I believe many of you understand anyways, I'd say we've got a damn good relationship kickin' these days. And I always joke about me and J.C. being tight, but it's really not a joke, we are tight! I mean if we're conscious and coming from love, essentially we're all following his path in one form or another. I really don't get why people see him as SO different than us. He WAS human after all! He possessed the powers that we all possess and so regularly supress. He was enlightened, he was clear...he was a carpenter.

Anyhow, Shirley to God over and out.

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