Yesterday I had a beautiful day. Had an energy treatment in the AM with Mary, then ate lunch and went to Starbucks to read and hang out for the afternoon before going to yoga. I went to the mall the other day to visit my friend Jessica and at Forever 21 (fav store ever in case you didn't already know that) I bought a beautiful little ring. Except that it's not little at all.
The price was little, but

it's actually a big ring :) Anyhow, I wore that ring out to Starbucks. Most people by these kinds of things and wear them out to special, no I go to Starbucks! And ya know what, every day is a special occasion so why not! I felt absolutely Divine wearing this ring and drinking my mocha.
I journaled for a bit before I opened up to the rest of my book and all I could write about was how amazing I felt. How beautiful I felt even with my hair pulled back, no make up and my glasses in tights and a long sleeve shirt. I was really dressed down by most standards, with the exception of my boots, ring and scarf ;) and yet I felt absolutely brilliant! Why do I think this is? Well 1) I am 2) I've been taking care of ME and committing to love and better understand ME! It's great!
When it came time to go, I went a few stores down to Wind Mobile, my cell carrier and gave Caesar, the rock star sales associate I had a gift AND he told me about a new plan coming up that's the same price as my current one but with way more features! LOVE THIS GUY!
So needless to say I arrive to yoga on a high note and left on one too. Emma...let's call her Curly Locks is a bit like me. 'Deepen into your pose...or not, it's all up to you, this is your practice, this is your life, these are your choices.' I found myself chuckling a few times as I would follow her directive and then stop and ask myself, "Is this really where I want to go in this pose? No, ok, how about here? That's better."
I realized that I have hit a bit of a plateau with my yoga. The learning curve has steadied, my intentions have been to 'be here now' with whatever is going on and I'm coming to a place of deeper understanding of each pose and posture and my involvement with it. I'm also making a very conscious effort to let each pose go after it's completion like during Esmes class because it feels good to let each series go and leave it where it was.
For my 6th yoga class I decided I'd venture out before the afternoon and hit up an earlier class. As I checked the schedule to see what the noon class was I read 'Moksha Flow' and said to myself "F^&k, I don't wanna do that one!" And walked out the door to the bus stop. Lol. I spoke to Long Braids Big Smile before going into the session because I wanted to know some variations if we were going to be 'flowing' the entire session. So there I was, asking for help, becoming interdependent with my instructor and allowing myself to be vulnerable where I was and admitting to myself that it's OK to not be at the top of the class just yet! It was a good session. Far less difficult than I anticipated and to be honest, I actually liked a lot of it!
I still think Long Braids Big Smiles is crazy. But she smiles and totally beams when she talks about yoga...she has spirit and heart. I can't not love that!
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