Sunday, October 24, 2010

Craving New Creativity

I absolutely love writing. It flows so naturally through me whether it's online or in my journal or into the chapters of unwritten books. I know that it could use some polishing, some refinement and at times some direction, and at the same time I'm happy to keep doing it as is, for the time being.

Having said that, I acknowledge that there are skills out there and gifts out there that I do not have. Recently it's been the gift of capturing images through photography. I have made friends with some great photographers. The way they are able to capture images, events, scenes and beauty astounds me. The way they can capture and play with the light, with depth, with everything they are given makes me smile. I'm so very happy that they are sharing their gifts in whatever way that may be. It's been leaving me a bit envious though. For me, being a visual person, I want to be able to express myself through this medium in the way that they do and yet I know that my gift is to express myself and what I am seeing through words, which may or may not be something they want to do. Perhaps I can learn some skills...

It's just fasinating to me, to be present to how we all perceive and express what we take in, whether it be through art, writing, photography, music, dance, acting, etc. These creative gifts are so brilliant and amazing and for what seems like the first time ever, I'm seeing myself as 'creative'. I'm a creator; I create using words! Wow. Does that put me in the category of 'creative types'? I dunno, I don't care...all that matters is that I create :) And it doesn't matter what, just that I do it and share it. Ha, wild.

What do you create?

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