As I stand on the edge of that platform and look out at Black Tusk I ask myself one question, "What's it going to be today?" And that question can be very loaded, but it boils down to a few very simple things. Am I greater than my nerves and my fear? Am I committed to staying present to as much as humanly possible during the process? If this were my last moment of
glory what type of experience would I like to create?
So when I look at Black Tusk or the canyon on the north side of the bridge I breathe in the air, the earth, the water and the love and I let my spirit do the rest.

My first jump created an experience of oneness with the Universe, with Mother Nature, with my Source and my creator. I was one with everything on that forward dive off of that bridge. Jump number two was an experience of 100% oneness and awareness of my own body. It was backwards and the sensation of falling, the thoughts and awareness of the bridge getting smaller and the water nearing as trees wizzed past my peripheral vision. My latest jump was a back flip/dive and although it created the most anxiety and trepidation within me, I was most liberated and relaxed. Might have been because it was my third time, might have been because I knew there was no way to control how I looked or how anything was going to unfold and I was 100% willing to jump into that unknowing and let go of all expectations and just be. And I did.
In addition to that, the context of all three of my jumps were markably different. Jump 1 I had 20 other people cheering me on and I turned and jumped no hesitation, no thinking, just did it. Jump 2 I only had my Dad and a few others, was counted down and even with all my mind's hesitation when "One!" was yelled I was already jumping! Jump 3...three girls, two of whom I would consider sisters, no countdown and a deep inner knowing that my life was about to shift in ways I could not see coming and in ways I may not understand. I jumped all by myself and I threw myself off the bridge like a beautiful Goddess and let myself be moved and shifted.
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