Monday, June 16, 2008

I Have A Millionaire Mind! I am, four months into my journey with Peak Potentials and I can honestly say that I am no longer the same person I was when I began. I have been continually amazed at what Peak Potentials has done for me and how I view my world as well as the surrounding world, but this weekend at Millionaire Mind I was, once again, absolutely blown away!

Everything happens for a reason, right? Well, I know there is a reason I entered this company on a back end course and that essentially I have been working backwards through the courses. I had to see the possibilities before I saw the process. Man, the Universe knows me well! This was truly a unique experience for me though. Having been to 4 courses prior to the 'entry' course I got to witness first hand the transformation of people who are for the first time experiencing the possibilities life has to offer. It was SO exciting watching others get excited about the material, about the courses about life!!!!! And of course having been to other courses I was promoting them all! :) Why wouldn't I share the amazing experiences I had???

Millionaire Mind cemented the financial process for me. It got me very clear on HOW to get things started. When I have a big enough WHY for what I want to do then the how was simply shown to me! As well, MMI (millionaire mind intensive) cleared out all the crap people had fed me over the years about money. I didn't know then what I know now and so for a time their methods served a purpose in my keep me broke! The real zinger is that a great deal of people will retire with enough savings to last them for 10 does that mean the plan is to die before your money runs out?

I've never been a fan of working, of trading time for money. I'm gonna stick with a 3-5 year plan of working my butt off and working SMART so that I never have to work again...unless I choose to. Which I probably will because I will love my business so much I will want to expand internationally, but honestly....stick it to the man!!! I'm creating my wealth, not waiting 50 years for it to come to me!!!!

I've tried to share this with so many people and so many of them have simply brushed it aside or been downright negative and rude about it or they've been really pumped about it, given me their word and then bailed. Ya know, the part that makes me really sad is that every one of them has potential to be so rich, they all have wicked creative ideas, but are too fricken scared of them to do anything about it!

People have told me I've been brainwashed, but I'd much rather be brainwashed for success and wealth than stay brainwashed by society to work hard only to retire with nothing or very little! It kills me to think that people still believe the mainstream...where has it gotten them? I know where it got me! $40,000 in debt! There is nothing in the mainstream media or any formal education institute that can teach me anything about what I have learned in the last four months in such a short period of time!

So! Having vented all my frustration with 'mainstream' ways of being I think I'll leave on a lighter note. From this point forward there is no looking back, there is no procrastinating (if you have been to an MMI you will know the process I am talking about!). I am going to change the face of education as we know it. My goal is implement a 'real world' curriculum in schools with one facet being money management. Students graduating Gr. 12 will know more about money management, business strategies and investing than someone who has graduated from university! Ok, so that's a big job and I'll be asking for help along the way, and it will happen, no matter how long!

As I'm sitting here writing that I'm also snapping the rubber band on my wrist as my little voice is telling me "You're a friggen idiot for sharing that on the internet, now you have to do it because people are going to be watching for it." Damn right they are and now I have an entire audience to make sure that I do!!! And that, my friends, is a Millionaire Mind!!! (and maybe a Warrior... :))


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