He offered to share a piece of something with me; something physical that I could have with me always as opposed to inspirational or motivational which, in time, might definitely blend in with all the other verbal contributions living in my. It was something he discovered and embraced as one of those 'Universal signs' from above and although I was extremely elated, I also wondered "Why me?" The old "I couldn't possibly deserve that" came up. So I asked him, "Why me?" And as clear as day he said, "because you have vision."

The hawk has vision, the eagle has vision, I've been seeing all these amazing creatures -repeatedly- with vision and have been missing the message! I've been missing that nature too, not just humans, serves as our mirror! What you see in others is what you already possess yourself. It's kind of like that saying 'takes one to know one'.
And it may come across slightly less dramatic as it did to me in the moment because words...well they're words, as opposed to feelings. At the time though, it sort of stopped my in my tracks. Another piece of my personal puzzle fell into place. I had remembered something I didn't even know I had forgot.
So I thanked him and expressed my state of shock and gratitude and he replied, "anyone who can up and travel the western countryside with no particular agenda and pull it off masterfully must see things most others won't." Like hello... those are words of wisdom. full of insight. It may seem like a pretty straight forward comment... when you're listening with your ears or reading it with your eyes; when you listen with the heart it takes on an entirely new message. And I can appreciate this interaction because for me, sometimes what I say just spills out of me with reckless abandon and although there are more times than not, I have no idea what I said, the person I'm talking to certainly did and they understood it on a level unknown to me.
In a way that point goes back to my last post (Waves of Transformation) about serving a purpose in the moment. Sharing those thoughts, feelings, stories with people because even though you may not need to hear or say it again, maybe you actually do or maybe the person you're talking to does... that's your gift to share with them, trust that it 'popped' into your mind for a reason, let it out and let it go. And besides, who are you to keep your gifts all to yourself, what good does that do?
Maybe that is the "something I see that most others won't" that everything, every thought, feeling, action, on some level is a gift, a blessing, an opportunity for me or for someone else to see, feel, hear, do things differently. And maybe what I see is something deeper, more profound and Universal... that we are all connected energetically, linked by molecules and frequencies and emotions... the hawk has vision. So do I.
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