Monday, May 11, 2009

The Two Sides of Me That We Don't Always See :)

I am most definitely a free spirit and an old soul who likes to 'see what happens next'. I am also a very disciplined and logical thinker who plans and creates chaos where order already lies. I am the combination of both of these amazing people who, when given an opportunity to create, has the discipline and imagination to see things through to their brilliance and their possible demise. No matter the situation, when I feel moved to create, there really is no stopping me.

I feel as though I haven't spent much time loving my blog lately. So I returned to it this week and wrote a post. A post, once re-read, actually is very good, very true and very global. I also looked at what my header says and I am in awe at the poetic-ness of my own words! Damn, I'm good! :)

I don't know where it comes from, well that's a lie, I totally know where it comes from. It's from a few places. From my heart, from my subconscious, but more than that it's from my guiding forces, from my soul, the universe.

I have these urges to write at times. Sometimes it's notes, sometimes it's letters to people, or emails just to say hello, but the message I write has more to it than a simple hello. It's a message that I feel compelled to write, that has no thought process, just words, through a pen onto paper or in this case, screen.

I've known for quite sometime now that I've had this gift as paper upon paper in university came back with great marks...and the same comment at the end...'you need to actually conclude your arguement, not start a new one.' But that's how I write! Open ended, left to the imagination, hooking the mind, what's going to happen next. With my history professors in mind, I now understand why this was hard for them to accept. History is the past, it, in some instances, is considered fact and therefore and arguement, once presented, needs to be concluded. But what if my arguement is meant to be argued further, but you just didn't allow me enough 'word count' to do that?! My spirit and logic in constant conflict...

But that is the hitch with my writing. There is no conclusion, there isn't meant to be a conclusion because even when we're gone from this plane, we continue on in another.

Over the last few weeks, as I've had a chance to listen to my body and trust it's nudges and slaps in the face, I can better feel where we're going with this road trip, where our lives are headed and how amazing our gifts are. Writing this is exciting as I can honestly say I'm back in a space where creativity is flowing positively and with abundance. When I'm in a good space, so is my writing.

What are you capable of when you're in a good space?

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