What an amazing weekend it was to be in the company of great friends and well, really....family. An entourage of amazing speakers graced the stage and passed along valueable information that no doubt willchange the way I have relationships forever.
Beginning the weekend off with Dr. Patrick Wanis we discovered our relationship blueprint, what kind of person we are based on the qualities and attributes we posses. An interesting revelation that reinforced what I have been trying to push aside all year. Other great speakers such as Barbara DeAngelis, Marianne Williamson, Helice Bridges and Marcia Martin really connected with my current situation. Marcia Martin was absolutely amazing! Her presentation really allowed me to give myself permission to be open and honest about asking what men want. At times it was like listening to one of my good friends...why I didn't take her advice is beyond me, but I'll certainly be asking her for more now!!!
What this weekend really showed me though was to open my heart and speak my truth no matter how hard or easy it may be. I'm very greatful I had the opportunity to realize this in the company of such supportive people. Without them I couldn't have done it.
Many people believe that these courses aren't in my best interest and that it's just a phase I'm going through. My response to that is, "Thank you for sharing, but I don't care what you think." I have been through enough in my life to know what is right for me and what is wrong. Every experience I have had has taught me something about myself, the patterns I am running and who I have grown into as a result. I have a deeper connection with myself as well as others in my life whether they realize it or not. I understand that my attitude of acceptance and gratitude has been seen as scary to some because it is so out of my previous rebelling warrior drive. To that I say, "Thank you Wizard camp for allowing me to tap into that part of me that sees the entire world as a beautiful place of love and light." I do realize that I need to tap into that Warrior mode right now, but it's been a blessing to go with the flow and take it day by day. And with that I leave you with one of my favourite messages. I get chills when I read it.
I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells,
I honor the place in youwhich is of Love, of Truth, of Light and of Peace,
When you are in that place in you,and I am in that place in me,we are One.