Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Creation of Monsters

"I always advocate never creating monsters when there are none, Kelly. Primarily, of course, because there are none." ~Note from the Universe delivered to my email.

It begins usually with a question or a random thought. And then it builds momentum as our imagination begin to add different colours, sounds, textures and of course emotions and actions to that question or thought. From there it becomes a project or at the very least, something you all of the sudden are constantly aware of...and becomes the monster.

If you're a woman, I believe it is safe to say that we all know what this monster is and where it comes from. For me, my most brilliant monsters usually come about as a result of money or men. The money monster has been easily sent back to the ethers on more occassions than not and I have an easier time stopping his creation. The men monster, in the past, was a serious sabatour. Well apparently still is, yet I'm aware of it's creation now where as before it was just life. Create the monster, unleash the monster and validate that monster until it's happy enough to walk away for a little while. It's like the damn troll under the bridge, hiding there nice and quiet until you want to get somewhere and BAM, there it is hassling you, terrifying you back to where you came from, trying to keep you from getting where you want to go.

So I like this quote. Why make monsters when there aren't any there to begin with... Why create the drama when the landscape is drama free? I know a part of this is a woman thing...our need to always have something going on and to be a part of something. For real though. I could definitely use some practice creating brilliant beings (whether they take form as loving and caring monsters or not) that are here to support me in moving beyond the creation of monsters right to where I want to go.

Why fabricate something that doesn't exist? I mean, that's the beginning of the creation that really something you want to create? Is that something I want to create? Didn't think so... It not only serves me, but also the world to stop creating monsters. If I'm ever creating one, please remind me that I said that! :)

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