Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It is a word that is etched on the back of a pendant I received a few years back. That pendant was 'sacrificed' so to speak, along with strength and illumination in a fire a couple of summers ago. The intention was to give up something in order to create room for more. What I have realized since is that by sacrificing those pendants I created a vaccuum for more of those specific qualities to come into my life. The strength and illumination returned quickly, within weeks, but the fulfillment I knew needed time.

I needed time. Time to find myself as a leader in my own life and in the lives of others. This past weekend provided a beautiful opportunity for just that.

This past weekend I worked my third Millionaire Mind Intensive as part of the Excel Team. I was in a leadership position the entire weekend doing trainings, answering questions, problem solving and taking on responsibility for sales at the event. I never quite understood the fulfillment aspect of leadership until one point this weekend when time stopped and allowed me just to be a part of the moment, to observe what was going on around me and to feel the gratitude and fulfillment for the amazing team of people I was working with.

I had a vision of what a great team would look like, I had a vision of being an empowering leader figure and of bringing people together in support of each other and all at the event. I did not know what that looked like visually, I simply knew how it felt and this past weekend I experienced that. I experienced the start of what my greater vision for all of humankind looks like.

I am ready for more experiences of leadership and fulfillment. I am open to more experiences of fulfillment and I am open to the abundance that all of it brings in all forms both quantifiable and unquantifiable.

And I'm ready to receive a new pendant....lol

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