On a most brilliant day of miracles last week, I was pulled into a bookstore and led straight into a smiley and warm hearted fellow I'll call T.J. He looked at me and asked me what I thought a 'meem' was. My answer was Beaker from the Muppets. Although amused, he continued on about his friend the physicist or astrophysicist or chemist... an 'ist' of some sort who discovered that meems are the eggs in the collective conscious that create our thoughts and ideas...or something to that effect. Aside from meems we got on the topic of being inutitive, watching the movie 'Hereafter' and jobs/creating opportunities for me to make money.
He made a comment in passing; in relation to what I am not sure. "So what if my parents abused me, that was the only way they knew how to cope with their lives and I was able to be there for them without judgement to heal." And then he continued on about some other person he knew in Ireland with goats... I have an entirely new perspective on the roles we play, on why and where we show up and with whom as well as why and where others show up for us.
I know this might ruffle some if not a lot of feathers. It is a hot topic and has been for a long time whether it's abuse towards people or towards substance. I in no way advocate for these sorts of human acts. I do believe however, that we choose the life experiences we want to have. I never quite understood why people would choose to be abused, but this sheds a new light on the entire concept. And in a greater sense of reality we all did choose to be abused in this life because we do it to ourself all the time, or have done it to ourselves at one point in time. The only difference is that it's between ourself instead of ourself and someone or something else.
So follow me on this one for a minute. You have two people. Say Dad is an abuser and son is the abused. Those two souls have contracted and chosen to be together in this lifetime. That son is continually showing up for his father physically in the act of abuse, but what if on a spiritual level, he is showing up continuously for his father each time to provide yet another opportunity for him to choose differently? For him to stop and understand his abuse is hurtful, not to metion, in some cases illegal. Think of the souls here, not the physical people. That child's soul was contracted to help his father's soul through this process. And vice versa. The dad doing the abusing is continually showing up and beating the boy to encourage (on an subconscious level) that boy to find his inner power, his strength and his voice to walk away and choose a better life and know he deserves the best. Do not attach faces to these souls...it's all an illusion anyway, another way to gain experience in physical bodies.
HOWEVER....in a physcial, emotional, psychological sense, in our world, this scenario plays out as perpetrator and victim and that child feels forever abused and angry and resentful and the dad guilty and ashamed. But here's the thing. If that boy found his power, his strength and his voice and chose another life, he succeeded! His soul recognized truth and transformed regardless of how it happened; he progressed. Now if the father saw the opportunities to change and took them and made changes in his life then both were success stories! BUT, if in the course of this contract the boy walked away and was unable to show his father the opportunities to change, it's not his fault, he was contracted to be a part of that process only for so long, he fulfilled his contract and moved on...the soul has no worries, there is no burden to carry, it was never his job to heal him fully, only to be a way shower. And vice versa, the father changed, but the kid never recognized his truth and went on to be abused in every other area of his life, then that wasn't for his father to teach him, he needed to find his strength and voice and power elsewhere and his soul knows this! (Which is why he never changed while with his father)
In every situation the abused is the abuser and the abuser is the abused, the enabler is the enabled and vice versa because both roles reciprocate each other, they serve purpose until purpose is no longer there to serve.
There is a deeper layer to unconditional everything. Do we choose to understand it and use this knowledge to help others or are we content to continually lay blame to the enablers of our world who keep showing up to simply create some peace within the abusers through their release so that perhaps a moment of clarity can emerge? Are we content to continually allow the abused to feel a victim to someone elses sicknesses...our world's sicknesses? Or are we ready to start empowering everyone to find the truth of their situations...regardless of how nasty they may seem in our physical world. If we have chosen to be a part of it we certainly can choose to not be a part of it. The process of liberation may not be simple or quick, but making the choice certainly is.
Just a thought...if we continue to see the labels we put on people that is all they will ever be to us. Perhaps we could see the deeper part of everyone, see the light that shines brightly or only very dimly through cynical and hurt eyes. We are all each other, and we're all serving purpose, all day, every day, for eternity.
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